About Us
Established in 1992, AmFog is the largest manufacturer of misting, fogging, and humidifying nozzles and components. They are Made in America, and are the preferred nozzle for those who demand a superior product at a competitive price. Over 20 years of engineering and valuable customer feedback has contributed to the design of our products.
Do you...
• Insist on superior products and components?
• Want the industry’s shortest lead times?
• Prefer to purchase a quality product from an American company?
• Want to purchase from the industry leader, at a competitive price?
• Want a modular approach with components that gives engineers and users the ability to achieve design and performance goals through greater flexibility?
View Customer Testimonials
Do you...
• Insist on superior products and components?
• Want the industry’s shortest lead times?
• Prefer to purchase a quality product from an American company?
• Want to purchase from the industry leader, at a competitive price?
• Want a modular approach with components that gives engineers and users the ability to achieve design and performance goals through greater flexibility?
View Customer Testimonials